Tuesday, July 26, 2005

my ayuttaya picture

its me, bing-bing and lala, from right to left...that was one of our pictures when we went at ayuttaya...see...beauties...

Monday, July 25, 2005

me, lala, bing-bing, smile and orlan at 48 Phet Kasem

evrybody are happy...obviously, it shows...we're happy to start to eat!.....because we're very hungry that time...we arrived smile's flat 10pm...what do you expect!...we haven't eaten our dinner yet!...hehehe...
Last friday july 22, we were at smile my cousin's flat...she lives at 7th floor somewhere at Phet Kasem 48...we spent 2 days there...we just arrived today...we have great fun...we went at robinson's shopping mall (phet kasem), we shop and ate there too...five of us together....we do too had a chance to take pictures at the shopping mall and in smile's flat...we watched dvd for two days!...in fact we recalled all those movies we watched for the last two days while we were on our way back on our dorm from church this morning....and the thing was, we could hardly remember what was the first dvd we watched...you won't believe that we watched 7 dvds while orlan's 9! he watched 9 dvds because we already fell asleep...hehehe...we do too had a chance to stop watching...during lunch and dinner too...our snacks?...of course we do too have snacks....we ate our snacks while we're watching...we really do have great fun!...me, lala my sister who has the all the "ings" she can do everything like cooking, washing, driving, (she had a motorcycle of her own, she's using it going in her school and wherever we wanted to go here around bangkok!)...manualing our new cel. phones, singing, dancing, acting, crying too hehehe...i can't remember other "ings"...it means everything to her...she can do all the "ings" I haven't mention some of the ings here.....on the other hand, bing-bing, my first cousin, we both teach in the same school, smile my second cousin who teach very very far from us...it's a 1 1/2 hour travel by taxi and orlan our adopted brother he's a filipino too, he came from polomolok, general santos city, he teach together with my sister which quite near from my school...he's the yougest of us all and yet, he's the one who paid high salary than us!...

....So that was it...me, lala, bing-bing, smile and orlan during the last two days at Phet Kasem.....

Friday, July 22, 2005

my ayuttaya field trip

We had just gone from our field trip at Ayuttaya...it is said to be the oldest city in Thailand...our school (La Salle College of Bangkok) conducted a field trip...we're lucky to have with us, ajarn Suthep...he's our tourist guide, my colleague too in our school, and he's just like a father to us, my sister and my cousin here in bangkok...we witnessed all those ancient buddhist temples...some temples had been destroyed by colonizers (Burmese)...but still the remains are still there...and eventhough it has been destroyed by war, still they preserved it...that place has said to have over 300 temples and there are towering buddhas that ranges their heights, about 50-80 meters, their temples are said to have mostly manmade...the brickwalls, their roof, buddha statues with different positions,etc...the oldest temple they have are still there, in fact we've seen their walls have paintings...though its old but I saw paintings, only, some portion on the walls have been erased maybe because it was brought by years....so thus i'ts really old...really, really old...it's really amazing!......I just realized...Thailand really preserved everything they have after the war...their ancient history, their ancestors, have brought cultures and traditions that are still in every hearts of every thais today....I can see that...the amazing fact is that...it's a rare place to have a developed country, wherein their cultures and traditions are still instill in the hearts and minds on every thais...we had many pictures taken on those different temples we've been through...maybe next time, I'l publish here some of our pictures...and I'l continue some other things I haven't written it here...by the way today until tommorow is said to be the Buddhist Lent...that's why we had a chance to have a field trip there....

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

blessings in my life....

I don't know where to start...I've lots of things going in my mind...I would like to write everything here....well, ok, just leave first my past exciting moments here in bangkok...I would like to write everything in detailed...all are seems as important for me to tell...well, first and foremost, everything happened to me here in bangkok are blessings, I can say....you know the feeling on how to expect the unexpected?....to expect the unexpected blessings?.....my yesterdays and today does said it all....that's why I don't know where to start....anyway, I guess, I'l start what happened today....you won't believe that at long last for the first time I've just bought my first mobile phone?....bought by myself?....I longed to have a cel. phone....before, all I wanted was, to have a cel. phone...yes I did have....and all was given by my sisters.....first, my younger sister, jie-jie gave me her first cel.phone because she had her new cel. phone...then, she had bought again another cp, and so thus, she gave it to me, the old one not the one that she bought...hehehe...in short all are second hand...hehehe...and there my another sister, lala who at that time was employed in manila, bought me a new one!...maybe she pitied me that much, since most of my keypads are not working!...and she find it hard to read all those text messages I sent to her....like for example the number 8 key is not working, so I have to use the plus (+) sign as my letter t...my space key is not working...so I have to make every other word in capital letter and the next are all in small letters...just like for example like SISwe'reHEREea+ingLUNCHhowABOU+u?(sis, we're here eating lunch, how about u)....and etc., etc...hehehe...that's just how I use my initiative...hehehe...so...today was the day.....my dream to have a cel. phone bought by myself....I never expected that all my dreams are all starting to happen eversince I started working here in bangkok.... I still have another sister, nenen, she's our provider in our family, I should say....why? because she did all my finances in going here in bangkok, and everything.... If ever I do luck money, she's there all the time....but of course, still I have to pay her....actually I just started paying her last june....maybe after 10-20 months I can I'm paid already....hope so...:-)....(by the way, the money that I bought for my cel. phone was my salary from my special class...as a souvenir...)....it wasn't from my sister...hehehe...see, that's just how my sisters love me.......that's just how we love each other....to have sisters who love me always and forever!....as I said, everything happened to me....all blessings......I guess, next time around I'l write other blessing I received......

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

my new blog

I've just made my new blog!...I'ts fun!...specially the three of us my sister lala and bing2 my cousin are talking with each other in a conference in yahoo messenger while my sister telling us on what to do next, on making this blog!.....it's really fun!...especially we argued on what title can I make, asking why it took it so long to display what will happen next....in short I'm excited to know what will be the outcome of this blog...actually we plan to stay here for 30 minutes!...but it seems that I already got addicted on this blog! We're almost 1 hour here! hahaha!....I don't know....maybe i'm just really amazed about this blog...even before my sister told me to open her blog...I told myself before, that one day soon, I can have my own blog too!...and see! I did it!....I'm happy that I do too belong on this kind of computer technology we have....and a sister lala too!...she's really have all the "ings" ....I'l just tell next issue what's that "ings" all about...it'is just this technology nowadays are just that fascinating overwhelming modernized....hey!...where am I!...ok...anayway, I'm just happy today that at long last I have my blog and through this blog I can make my whereabouts here in bangkok, to tell nanay, kuya boyet my brother, nenen, jie-jie and lala my sisters, my friends and relatives there in philippines, as well as my friends here in bangkok too...I have much to say...but on my next issue I will tell more about "everything and anything under the sun" here in bangkok...hehehe..that's the line of Kris aquino in her game ka na ba show...hehehe...my sister just told me that hey it's one and a half hour already!...and it is!...we stayed here 1 1/2 hours...hehehe...I have class tomorrow @7am-510pm and I'm still here....next time again i'l tell what's next...hehehe of course there is next...hehehe.....i can't wait tomorrow...hehehe...ok...so till next issue....:-)