Monday, July 25, 2005

me, lala, bing-bing, smile and orlan at 48 Phet Kasem

evrybody are happy...obviously, it shows...we're happy to start to eat!.....because we're very hungry that time...we arrived smile's flat 10pm...what do you expect!...we haven't eaten our dinner yet!...hehehe...
Last friday july 22, we were at smile my cousin's flat...she lives at 7th floor somewhere at Phet Kasem 48...we spent 2 days there...we just arrived today...we have great fun...we went at robinson's shopping mall (phet kasem), we shop and ate there too...five of us together....we do too had a chance to take pictures at the shopping mall and in smile's flat...we watched dvd for two days! fact we recalled all those movies we watched for the last two days while we were on our way back on our dorm from church this morning....and the thing was, we could hardly remember what was the first dvd we won't believe that we watched 7 dvds while orlan's 9! he watched 9 dvds because we already fell asleep...hehehe...we do too had a chance to stop watching...during lunch and dinner too...our snacks?...of course we do too have snacks....we ate our snacks while we're watching...we really do have great fun!, lala my sister who has the all the "ings" she can do everything like cooking, washing, driving, (she had a motorcycle of her own, she's using it going in her school and wherever we wanted to go here around bangkok!)...manualing our new cel. phones, singing, dancing, acting, crying too hehehe...i can't remember other "ings" means everything to her...she can do all the "ings" I haven't mention some of the ings here.....on the other hand, bing-bing, my first cousin, we both teach in the same school, smile my second cousin who teach very very far from's a 1 1/2 hour travel by taxi and orlan our adopted brother he's a filipino too, he came from polomolok, general santos city, he teach together with my sister which quite near from my school...he's the yougest of us all and yet, he's the one who paid high salary than us!...

....So that was, lala, bing-bing, smile and orlan during the last two days at Phet Kasem.....


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