Monday, August 01, 2005

my busy week

Obviously I'm not in the picture...I was the one standing in front of them, holding a camera...hehehe...that's the la salle football field....

that's our swimming pool...only five of us occupied the pool...we're suppose to take more pictures on that posing solo...with our suit.......hehehe...maayo lang we run out of battery....hehehe...

our background is our dorm...our school call it as la salle teacher's village...only la salle teachers can occupy that place...we live somewhere on the second flooor in front of the left side terrace...sometimes when smile and orlan's with us, we stay on the terrace and we eat our breakfast, lunch or dinner...on our left and right side, there are other two floor buildings too...I really love the's a very cozy place..

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I was worried about the news last Friday about the processing of my work permit. There’s problem about my papers. I do lack one requirement, since I’m a Filipino, the ministry of education needs a proof that my subjects were taught in English (eventhough it’s all clear, as it appears in my official transcript of records, that it was all written in English!). Last Friday morning, I gave my certification came from Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Philippines, that I’m a registered and a license secondary teacher and I also gave a photocopy of my (Professional Regulation Commission) PRC ID…I went back in the afternoon to Master Surakit, he was the one who process my work permit, but he was not around that day.

Wednesday July 27, 2005

I met Brother Peter our school director. He told me about the news that my certification was not accepted. I was getting more worried about it. What made me worried was that, I’ll have to take a TOEFL (it’s an examination for Teaching On Foreign English Language) Examination it costs about $200..It’s about 8000baht! One thing more was that I need to go back to Malaysia to get a new non “B” visa again, since my visa will expire on August 17 2005…I heard about the release of TOEfL Examination will take 6months to 1 year! that made my problem worsen!.. . I told brother director if that will happen I’ll have to find another school since I can’t afford the expenses I’ll have to pay…If the school will help me to pay those expenses I’m still willing to stay in la salle…so thus, he told me that It’s alright, they will handle all my expenses but the examination fee only! Thanks to my sister lala, about what she told me last week on what to say if ever my certification won’t be accepted…thanks very much la! I thank God too, for He really heard my prayers… I still have one problem , I still need to go back to Malaysia…What I did was to make an affidavit and be notarized it, at Philippine embassy about those subjects from my transcript of records should be confirmed that it was all taught in English and that I can teach English!…So I made an affidavit and asked brother if the affidavit I made, will be approved in Philippine Embassy, he won’t pay my examination and I won’t come back to Malaysia to pay another expenses for my non “B” visa. HE told me that don’t worry about my visa for they will finance it too! Surprised to hear it! Still I insist that if my affidavit won’t work, I will take the exams and go back to Malaysia. So, I made an affidavit ready for next day, going to Philippine embassy.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

I’m absent in my class. Anyway it’s two days examination, I don’t need to teach. So I went At Philippine embassy. Thanks God that it was notarized! I paid 1,125baht for notarization only! After which, I roam around, in short window shop at Emporium shopping mall. It's one of the mall in Bangkok where most elite people go shop. I went back and stop by at Central City shopping mall at Bangna, which just near from our school. I window shop again…hehehe…I called lala since I know that time she will be on her way home and ask her if she can go with me to buy our monthly grocery needs…she told me that we’ll do the grocery later after she already bought her school shoes. We spent an hour to find one! It’s a 2,200baht shoes but since it’s on sale we bought it 380 baht only!!!…See, that’s just how she could find a worth shoes for herself…I can’t do that!…

Friday, July 29, 2005

I passed the notarized affidavit and prayed for it, hoping it will be approved by the ministry of education…while waiting for the result, I called nanay (Philippines)…I talked to her about my problem. I missed nanay very much that’s why I called her. I told her too about our whereabouts here in Bangkok, together with lala, bing2, smile and all of us out here…my sisters too, nenen, jie-jie and kuya boyet, lola, lolo, my aunts and uncles friends, and everybody, I missed you all out there in Philippines! Hope tomorrow, it’s April….
Anyway,we checked examination papers, whole day. In the afternoon, I got the result…couldn’t wait to give the news to nanay and to everybody…it was approved! Great! Thanks to God!….again he did heard my prayers!…

In the evening we went to smile’s flat..she had a party…it’s the blessing of her flat that day…we did take pictures again…we drink a little…we sleep at about 12am..

Saturday, July 30, 2005

I need to go back since I have a special class in our school. At around 1:30pm, I was surprised that lala called telling me that she will buy a washing machine! at long last we had it…she bought it together with smile…so thus, we’re together again here in our dorm…all of her foods left last night…they brought it here…we’re happy together…take pictures around our school campus..our dorm is inside our school…in the evening we shop at lotus shopping mall..they are on big sale!…me, lala, bing2, smile and orlan each one of us, had a pick …we even take pictures again at the mall!…it’s fun that we all are together again!…hope next weekend we’ll be together again…

Sunday, July 31, 2005

We went to hear mass at 9:45am…after the mass we went home and have lunch together…lala made a leche flan…yum yum…smile bought a kare-kare…there’s a Filipino who sell Filipino foods here…that’s why we have kare-kare….at around 630pm we went to swim in our school's swimmng pool. we take pictures, we played "lagsanay"..bing2 and smile was always the "taya" and me...hehehe..the three of us don't know how to swim....hehehe...instead of swimming we run...hahaha! short we touch somebody on who'll be the next "taya".. Isn't that great! eventhough we don't know how to swim we're trying hard to's just that, we are spending quality time... my whole week has been very busy …sorry it's a very long story for you to read...lala told me to write it short...but I can't help myself to tell everything....actually it's still short for me...hehehe...

So that was it…my whole busy week….


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