Thursday, July 13, 2006

Weekend in our 2 assistant directors home

There were times when I can't go Bangkok. These were one of the moments where we spend time to have fun and explore this province. We have such a good time in places we've been, like in the residences of our two vice directors of our school and to our students homes too. We had food tripping, house hopping as what Ate Venus called it and even sightseeing in Mekhong River and got some fresh fish, where we bought it with us and given by our director's wife. There were also trays of eggs, and fruits too. We brought it at home.

First, we went to Ajarn Sumkit's (the school's supply director) residence. His house is full of fruits, flowers plants and everything. A typical farm house. We ate freshly harvested fruits like, coconut "buko", mango, bangkok santol, jackfruit. It seems like we had already eaten fruit salad hehehe.
After which, we went to Ajarn Prasert's (the school's finance director) house. There we witnessed how Ajarn Prasert got his fish fresh from his pond! We ate then a fresh fish cooked in different menus and everything tasted good! "Aroy Mak" very delicious in English. Though some of their menus are "pet mak" very spicy in English. "Pet mak te aroy". Very spicy but delicious, in English. Ajarn Prasert's house have lotus pond too, there we ate lotus nut.

We were treated very well. We ate good food, fresh fruits, welcomed by warm families of directors, accompanied by warm Thai teachers from our school, got trays of eggs from our students whol live nearby director's houses, fish from Mekong River and we have fun sightseeing along the way going to the houses of the vice directors and to our student's houses too, we also have sightseeing along the Mekong River and saw the other side of it the Laos country.

From left to right, Im sorry forgot his name but he's the husband of Ajarn Prapaporn, who's beside him, Kuya Allan at the back and in front of him is Ate Venus, Ajarn Poramed who's one of our Vice Director (schoool's discipline director), and staying beside our house here inside the school, next, that's me, Smile Ping, her mother and I forgot again her name. And those who posed in front of us are our students in our school.

The second person who's standing from left is our Vice Director Ajarn Sumkit, the tallest guy is their son, Ping and the one who stands beside him is her mother.

Ajarn Prapaporn is talking with Ajarn Prasert's wife and Kuya Allan at the back is busy singing in a videoke. Kuya Allan is also a singer. They are just a perfect match with her wife who dances great and him who sings great too! A blessed couple with blessed three children too, who are presently studying in Cebu. We also spend our time singing in a videoke. I sang few songs too. Lucky us, it didn't rain, when I sang hehehe, but I think it's just a delayed reaction, you know why? It did rain when we're on our way back home! hehehe....

That's Ajarn Prasert fish pond, just caught his fresh fish ready to be cooked!

The three women who's facing in front of us, from left, its the wife of our Director, the next one is Ajarn Sumkit's wife and Ajarn Junthorn a teacher too in our school and wife of Ajarn Surachat our manager in MEP (Mini English Program).

That's Ajarn Surachat wearing checkered long sleeves.

That's our director wearing sunglasses.

The eggs that were given to us by our sweet students.

The fun of eating buko is so fulfulling! I haven't eaten such since last year when I went home in the Philippines!

The "Mekhong River" - the longest river in Thailand. The opposite side of it is the Laos country.


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