Wednesday, July 19, 2006

our parties...

Our department gave a warm welcome party for us new teachers.

Standing behind us are Martin Holmes, an English teacher from England, next to him is Kuya Allan, in front are Ajarn Piyawan, Smile, Ate Venus and me.

This is the viex outside the videoke bar where se celebrate our party.

Behind us who wears yellow polo shirt is the head of our department, it's Ajarn Surachat. (Ajarn Thai's address for a teacher her.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

My super weekend and my super holiday in Bangkok!

"Super weekend and a super holiday"...why?...we spend our "super weekend" in one of the newest famous mall here in Bangkok "The Siam Paragon Mall"...everything you see in this mall are's a "supermall"...we spend together again and it's "super feeling" and everything...we watched "super movie" at the "super theater" in an Imax 3d theater...and we watched "Superman Returns"!..."super holiday" since we have no class last Monday and Tuesday (July 10-11), we spend not only the super weekend, but also the super holiday too!...a super weekend and a super holiday, indeed!

Laurence, Bing-Bing, Me, Lala and Michelle "Michi"
(this was taken last July 9 after we attended the Sunday mass. We ate then our lunch at Siam Paragon then, we had our window shopping and watched movie!)

Bing-Bing, Laurence, Smile, Lala and Michi

Siam Paragon is one of the newest and the biggest mall here in Bangkok…Our first time to watch a 3D theater in Siam Paragon's mall at the IMAX Theater…we watched “Superman Returns” a superb movie and it’s worth watching in a 3D theater!...

Their lobby is better than that from Major Cineplex or shall I say it’s the best!...carpeted with a wool carpet, cozy lights, well decorated flowers, LCD 3D screens provided outside the theater, comfortable couches where we posed again, coffee shops, restaurants, boutiques and Thai don’t talk much that’s why it’s very comforting quite place to relax while waiting for the movie to start…

Laurence and Michelle “Michi” are our new family…Laurence is one of the haciendero from La Carlota, Bacolod…"a jolly good fellow"…everybody will laugh out when he made such flawless humor he got all the time…he’s presently teaching from my former school…on the other hand, Michi is our hometown’s childhood neighbor…their house is just in front from ours…when I plan to transfer to another school and left La Salle College School, I recommended her to take my place…so for now she’s teaching their and she’s staying with my sister and Bing-bing..

That’s Laurence, Bing, Michi and Lala inside the 3D theater…a 3D theater screen is 10 times larger than a regular movie screen…while watching, you will see as if it’s happening just in front of you…we’re wearing goggles to see clearly and appreciate a 3 dimension view…

Friday, July 14, 2006

Our Gimiks During Weekend in Bangkok

"The photo hunters".... we plan to watch "Pirates of the Carribbean" at these times...we need to wait for the movie to start about 1 we spend to play first in a photo hunt...(Me, Michi, Bing and Laurence)

Bing-bing with her pose...see her her smile, at long last the photo hunting was over, it's time to watch Pirates.....

we're busy picture taking, while waiting for the movie to start...Major Cineplex is the name of the theater it's in Central Bangna here in Bangkok is such great to relax will really feel the convenience not only while watching but while waiting as well, since there are comfortable couches provided in their theater's lobby...and most especiaaly what's inside was a very comforting chairs, sounds, screen the ambiance and everything's fascinating...

we take advantage of the time by taking pictures...see the smiles ...Smile is still smiling eventhough she's sleepy that time...still she managed to pose and carry her name within herself smile, Smile... :-)

Me and Lala in front of the theater.

Michi, Laurence, Lala, Smile and me…outside the Central Bangna Mall…it’s windy…obviously…

We ate at the Pizza Hut…it’s Laurence’s treat for his birthday…everybody’s happy again!...Happy birthday Rence….

The smile and happiness we got it always everytime we spend together in any gimiks we had…

Filipinos in Thai looks and in Thai dancing...a once in a lifetime experience

Last June 28, 2006 it's "Sun Tha Pu Day". Every school in Thailand, have programs on their own celebrating this day. We Filipinos (Ate Venus, me and Smile) didn't expect that everybody's entertain by the presentation we made. We just practice a day before the presentation! Ate Venus belonged to a dance troupe before when she's in Cebu. And she's really is still a great dancer! Some students taught her the Thai dance and she just taught us after then. Simple steps, yet very hard and we ourselves was overwhelmed by their reactions. Even just going to the backstage students were asking to take picture here, there and everywhere with us! A one day star!...hahaha! Actually it's a surprise number for everybody. So thus, not only them were happy to see us dancing their own traditional dance, we did too. Seeing everybody's happy, clapping their hands joining the rhythm of the music, was an overwhelming feeling. Though we didn't wish to do such dancing, but to pay also all the goodness that teachers are doing with us, I realized then that it's such an opportunity too to pay in return by granting their request to make over the Thai looks, Thai dress, Thai accessories and the Thai dancing as well. They provide everything, like the make-up by a make-up artist, and the head of the Thai department provide the dress for us and the very good Thai dancer students who taught us how to dance! All were given to us. All we have to do is to give a surprise number for them.

It was such a once in a lifetime experience. A blessed day. Thanks to GOD for all the blessings and for the blessings that are yet to come.
My new school, NAKHON PHANOM WITTAYAKOM SCHOOL, my new hometown. A peaceful nice beautiful blessed place to live in.

Our students who will also have presentation to make.

my desk....

Smile...with her unending smile that day...

Ate Venus

Together with our collegues here in our school.

Ate Venus with her husband, Kuya Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Yanson from Cebu. They are not only great Ate and great Kuya for us, but a great cook too! They cook really really the best Filipino foods, like beaf steak, humba, mongo with ginataan and a malunggay and etc. Kuya Allan have many malunggay planted in their backyard.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Weekend in our 2 assistant directors home

There were times when I can't go Bangkok. These were one of the moments where we spend time to have fun and explore this province. We have such a good time in places we've been, like in the residences of our two vice directors of our school and to our students homes too. We had food tripping, house hopping as what Ate Venus called it and even sightseeing in Mekhong River and got some fresh fish, where we bought it with us and given by our director's wife. There were also trays of eggs, and fruits too. We brought it at home.

First, we went to Ajarn Sumkit's (the school's supply director) residence. His house is full of fruits, flowers plants and everything. A typical farm house. We ate freshly harvested fruits like, coconut "buko", mango, bangkok santol, jackfruit. It seems like we had already eaten fruit salad hehehe.
After which, we went to Ajarn Prasert's (the school's finance director) house. There we witnessed how Ajarn Prasert got his fish fresh from his pond! We ate then a fresh fish cooked in different menus and everything tasted good! "Aroy Mak" very delicious in English. Though some of their menus are "pet mak" very spicy in English. "Pet mak te aroy". Very spicy but delicious, in English. Ajarn Prasert's house have lotus pond too, there we ate lotus nut.

We were treated very well. We ate good food, fresh fruits, welcomed by warm families of directors, accompanied by warm Thai teachers from our school, got trays of eggs from our students whol live nearby director's houses, fish from Mekong River and we have fun sightseeing along the way going to the houses of the vice directors and to our student's houses too, we also have sightseeing along the Mekong River and saw the other side of it the Laos country.

From left to right, Im sorry forgot his name but he's the husband of Ajarn Prapaporn, who's beside him, Kuya Allan at the back and in front of him is Ate Venus, Ajarn Poramed who's one of our Vice Director (schoool's discipline director), and staying beside our house here inside the school, next, that's me, Smile Ping, her mother and I forgot again her name. And those who posed in front of us are our students in our school.

The second person who's standing from left is our Vice Director Ajarn Sumkit, the tallest guy is their son, Ping and the one who stands beside him is her mother.

Ajarn Prapaporn is talking with Ajarn Prasert's wife and Kuya Allan at the back is busy singing in a videoke. Kuya Allan is also a singer. They are just a perfect match with her wife who dances great and him who sings great too! A blessed couple with blessed three children too, who are presently studying in Cebu. We also spend our time singing in a videoke. I sang few songs too. Lucky us, it didn't rain, when I sang hehehe, but I think it's just a delayed reaction, you know why? It did rain when we're on our way back home! hehehe....

That's Ajarn Prasert fish pond, just caught his fresh fish ready to be cooked!

The three women who's facing in front of us, from left, its the wife of our Director, the next one is Ajarn Sumkit's wife and Ajarn Junthorn a teacher too in our school and wife of Ajarn Surachat our manager in MEP (Mini English Program).

That's Ajarn Surachat wearing checkered long sleeves.

That's our director wearing sunglasses.

The eggs that were given to us by our sweet students.

The fun of eating buko is so fulfulling! I haven't eaten such since last year when I went home in the Philippines!

The "Mekhong River" - the longest river in Thailand. The opposite side of it is the Laos country.